French was tres bien, thanks for asking.
But im sad cos I still cant post as regularly as I would like :(
I'm staring at my Pixie Lott calendar and I literally wanna just punch it with my ugly knuckles and gossip ring

but luckily for my ugly knuckles and that fake paper face of Pixie's (oh the inevitable pain that would be incurred if i was to do such a thing, and I do not want my knuckles to look any uglier thank you...who does that anyway?) Dazed and confused came swiftly in the post. Something about This publication appeals to me. It feels like I am part of the exclusive club that you wish you were in at school that I would never have thought possible. This mag doesn't make predictions like your standard monthly, it doesn't even try, it evades all conventions by 'experiencing' the fashion and culture rather than 'wearing' it. Something, I think, in this industry is very difficult to find, obtain, and achieve. Being in touch with this publication makes me feel like I, mere mortal, have obtained such a connection just by touching its floppy, albeit cheap, (my daddy is in the printing trade, I know quality when I feel it) pages.
Any who, to the point already!
Basically I was flicking through, (which is pretty unheard of for me as I tend to spend hours dissecting every page when i first get any issue of anything) and I came across an interview with Norma Kamali.
I cant believe I am admitting unashamedly to you that unfortunately, I actually have no clue who she is...
Apparently she is the maverick who dished out the fashion innovations that were sleeping-bag coats and high-heeled trainers in the mid-70's and used shoulder pads years before they became an 80's power-dressing staple.
Any who, to the point again already!
In this interview Kamali is asked "what is the most important lesson that you want your students (she teaches as well) to learn?" Kamali replies "Think outside the box! But not so far out that you look like you need to be medicated. And then, of course, you need to pay the rent."
Point = I learn from this quote, therefore I share this quote.

The discovery of this interview makes me feel as smug as Jamie Winstone looks in this pic, cos you would if you looked that aymayyzzinggg, because...
I may not have heard of her, but I like to think that we must certainly be on the same wavelength as it just so happens, but a week ago, I bought into her brainchild, a pair of my very own high-heeled trainers. she describes her style as Timeless...I couldn't agree more.