Sunday 18 July 2010

Fashion with Heart

Yes I know this saying is pasted across the bind of every issue of Marie Claire but I felt tres cool when I thought I had honestly coined this phrase. This was the stage where I asked my french cousin to translate said phrase 'Fashion du Coeur'  and the mere sound of francais made me melt, and well even though this picture sums up chic, nothing is sacred any more...

Remembering is making me happy, and the fact that my hair is so long that it just about covers my 
like Daryl Hannah in Splash.
It felt as though I had witnessed something very clandestine after watching this film for the first time, I liked that it was all so real, none of that Mariah Carey shit.

Annoyingly I have discovered that I can no longer listen to John Mayer anymore. Bizarrely I can't help but want to cry as soon as any of his songs comes on. It was a period of time in my life. Gahhd guys.
'Truth be told I miss you, and Truth be told I'm lying'

I'm scared, uni is soon. 'Tis all getting very real right now.
Oddly, fashion related scenarios have been filling my thoughts, for example, of all the things that I could be conversing in my head, here is one:
if asked "what is your favourite period in the history of fashion?"
i will answer "i do beleive, though, we are on the verge of my next favourite"
i am just a high-heeled trainer ahead of the game. 

Oh, I just had another thought... wtf is this post?!

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