Friday 31 December 2010


Before I ask myself do I really need more heels? or should I wait till my birthday for those running trainers? I would just like to say thank you to you readers and fellow bloggers for your support with this here blog. I believe the best way to show my appreciation is to continue and improve Style A-Y (all suggestions welcome!) 
and before you all go into hibernation before the new season stock arrives and spend January, also know as the Monday of the months, asleep, consider reading Style A-Y as one of your resolutions. Cheeky...

Happy New Year Y'all

hugs not thugs
kisses not disses

Saturday 18 December 2010

Film Junkie

I have taken to watching films more or less all the time in Roch.
In particular I couldn't stop thinking about Marie Antoinette and The Virgin Suicides (I read the novel in the summer). I craved Marie Antoinette for the visual mind game that it had struck me with the first time round, the 'style over substance' argument annoys me because I think that this film perfectly portrays history. If Paris Hilton were to marry an impotent French Prince, instead of idiots with camcorders, then potentially this might have happened to her, yes, BUT there is no escaping the fragilely evanescent life she led and this film isolates the viewer just as Marie was from the reality outside the young queens world. I feel that this visually scrumptious version of France's iconic but ill-fated Austrian-born queen, Marie Antoinette is history as a guilt free pleasure.

Similarly the screenplay The Virgin Suicides was written and directed by Sofia Coppola. I think her style masters the act of combining fantasy with a harsher and disturbingly familiar reality, which perfectly captures a story that is being told as it was remembered, not necessarily as it really was. Because of this, in the  film there is never a truly satisfying answer; gentle humour that speaks of the angst and awkwardness both the Lisbon girls and their young admirers experience in their early teenage years combined with the devastatingly isolating act of a multiple suicide creates a dream-like ambiance. Not to mention how beautiful it is to watch, so detail-oriented. The focus on Kirsten Dunst, fragilely evanescent again...

It inspires bewilderment in me...

Just a Parting Note: watch Happy Campers and Heathers.

I must admit life is so much easier now that I can answer "sure I've seen Superbad".

Thursday 16 December 2010

David LaChapelle

I have developed a love for the work of David LaChapelle. After the initial shock that I had been subjected to something I shouldn't have and feeling of violation, I really got quite addicted.

You learn to appreciate the good stuff.

Amy's back, tell a friend

"We are about to begin a journey through the cosmos, through the story of our own planet..."

Cosmos was first used by Pythagoras to describe a well-ordered and harmonious universe - a world open to human understanding. Well I can tell you there ain't no harmony or order in fashion!
After finally finishing my first 14 week term at UCA I have just had the chance to stop and think. Although I haven't exactly been glamming it up Gucci style or expanding my wardrobe, university has been no less impressive. Questionable, impressionable (and quelquefois unobtainable) yes, but that is why I love it, forever changing forever ranging.
Thanks to Portishead, Fleetwood Mac, Fat Freddy's Drop and bottles of Roset 2 for 1 at my local newsagents, I have managed to adapt perfectly. Although you have fallen by the wayside, my resolution for the new year is to pick you back up as often as I do a publication.
Prove it, I hear you say...well here goes...